Important: These are global settings! Files can be overwritten locally by setting a file coerbuoy_settings.txt in the working directory. These local changes are not shown here.
Please be carefully while changing settings, wrong changes can prevent the COERbuoy platfrom from starting properly.
COERbuoy folder
Select a local folder where the GUI reads the controller from and stores the results. This folder must include two directories: controller (here self-written controller can be placed and are automatically detected by the GUI) and results (the GUI writes the results in this folder):
Control Interface port
The TCP address and port the Control Interface should operate. Please observe that the controller must be set to the same address:
GUI server
The TCP address and port used by the GUI server:
Time steps settings
The step width of the ODE solver and the controller; the controller time step must be a (positive integer) multiple of the ODE step width:
Time step ODE solver:
Time step controller:
Time step for output file: